Pleroma Release: 2.9.0
Pleroma 2.9.0 is a feature, bugfix and security release. Please read through the changelog to see the changes in detail. As it is a security release, immediate update is recommended.
Upgrade notes
From source only
Get new dependencies and recompile Pleroma:
MIX_ENV=prod mix deps.get MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
Restart Pleroma
- Run database migrations (inside Pleroma directory):
- OTP:
./bin/pleroma_ctl migrate
- From Source:
mix ecto.migrate
- OTP:
- Restart Pleroma
Backend changes
- Require HTTP signatures (if enabled) for routes used by both C2S and S2S AP API
- Fix several spoofing vectors
- Performance: Use 301 (permanent) redirect instead of 302 (temporary) when redirecting small images in media proxy. This allows browsers to cache the redirect response.
- Include “published” in actor view
- Link to exported outbox/followers/following collections in backup actor.json
- Hashtag following
- Allow to specify post language
- Verify a local Update sent through AP C2S so users can only update their own objects
- Fix Mastodon incoming edits with inlined “likes”
- Allow incoming “Listen” activities
- Fix missing check for domain presence in rich media ignore_host configuration
- Fix Rich Media parsing of TwitterCards/OpenGraph to adhere to the spec and always choose the first image if multiple are provided.
- Fix OpenGraph/TwitterCard meta tag ordering for posts with multiple attachments
- Fix blurhash generation crashes
- Retire MRFs DNSRBL, FODirectReply, and QuietReply